Increasing the diagnostic yield with VarSome Clinical

VarSome Clinical is the clinician's valuable ally in the interpretation of NGS data for clinical purposes. Several features provided in our platform are specially designed to assist the clinician in overcoming the challenges of diagnoses and treatment decisions:

  • Reclassifications and Custom Classifications
  • Sample Cross-referencing
  • Customized ACMG and AMP Classification
  • Periodic Reclassification
  • Variant Comments
  • Optional Data Sharing

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Increasing the diagnostic yield with VarSome Clinical

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Reclassifications and Custom Classifications

Reclassifications and Custom Classifications

In addition to the automatic ACMG and AMP classification offered by VarSome Clinical, you have various options to build your own private database of classifications according to your patient's history.


Sample Cross-referencing

Sample Cross-referencing

All your samples in VarSome Clinical are linked in the variant level, enabling you to compare current and past cases with great ease.

Customized Classification

Customizable Classification

VarSome Clinical allows you to modify the default classification verdict by activating/inactivating specific rules according to your best knowledge.

Periodic Reclassification

Periodic Reclassification

Continuous contributions from the VarSome Global Community or novel scientific data may lead to the update of certain variants' annotation. With the regular re-annotation of your past analyses in VarSome Clinical, you can locate variants with an updated verdict, reflecting the most recent scientific knowledge which was not available at the time of the initial analysis.

Variant Comments

Variant Comments

You can add comments to specific variants and choose whether you will share them with the global VarSome community or keep them private. Our platform provides several ways to share your experience and benefit from global knowledge with the purpose of increasing the diagnostic yield!

Optional Data Sharing

Optional Data Sharing

Our platform has patient confidentiality and data protection as a top priority and security procedures are continuously monitored. You can always review all actions of your group’s users in the Audit Trail. Finally, sharing your data with partner institutions processed in VarSome Clinical is entirely your own choice and requires written consent from both parties.

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